HEREAT Human Molecular
Genetics and Epigenetics
Research Laboratory


Incomplete Penetrance: Impacts on Genetic of Complex Diseases

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The concept of incomplete penetrance in genetics, a phenomenon where not everyone carrying a specific genetic mutation exhibits the associated traits or symptoms. By examining its role in complex diseases like Multiple Sclerosis (MS), the post highlights how incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity contribute to the variability in disease expression, even among individuals with similar genetic backgrounds. It also discusses a recent study on multiplex MS families, emphasizing the interplay of common and rare genetic variants in MS heritability.

Unlocking the Potential of Neuropharmacogenetics and Metabolomics in Multiple Sclerosis Researchs

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This blog post delves into the cutting-edge fields of neuropharmacogenetics and metabolomics, highlighting their significant contributions to understanding and treating Multiple Sclerosis (MS). By exploring recent studies, we uncover how genetic factors influence drug responses in the nervous system and how metabolites provide insights into MS disease progression, biomarker discovery, and the development of personalized therapeutic approaches. Join us as we navigate through the promising avenues these disciplines offer in advancing MS research and improving patient outcomes.

Unlocking the Genetic Secrets of Multiple Sclerosis Through Family-Based Studies with WES

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In this blog post, we explore groundbreaking research from two family-based genetic studies aimed at unraveling the complexities of Multiple Sclerosis (MS), a debilitating autoimmune disease affecting the central nervous system. Using advanced genetic testing techniques like whole-exome sequencing, researchers have identified rare genetic variants that contribute to MS in Italian and Sardinian families. These studies highlight the importance of understanding genetic diversity in MS and pave the way for future advancements in personalized medicine approaches for treating such intricate diseases. The findings from these studies not only deepen our understanding of MS but also enhance the potential for developing targeted therapies and diagnostics.

Var3PPred: A Novel Tool to Predict Pathogenic Variants in Autoinflammatory Disorders

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Discover Var3PPred tool in our latest article, Var3PPred: Variant Prediction Based on 3-D Structure and Sequence Analyses of Protein-Protein Interactions on Autoinflammatory Diseases, published in PeerJ. This tool advances the classification of pathogenic variants in systemic autoinflammatory diseases (SAIDs) by integrating sophisticated protein-protein interaction analysis with 3D structural data. Using the Infevers database, including 702 missense disease-associated variants and leveraging algorithms like the Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) for balancing, Var3PPred employs machine learning techniques, achieving an exceptional AUROC of 99%. The article details our methodology and the significant implications of Var3PPred for enhancing genetic diagnostics and fostering personalized medicine approaches in treating SAIDs. Explore the complete study for an in-depth understanding of how Var3PPred sets a new standard in genetic variant analysis.

GWAS Effect Size Estimation Methods and Multiple Sclerosis: A Scientific Exploration

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This blog post delves into the sophisticated methodologies behind Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) and their pivotal role in understanding Multiple Sclerosis (MS), a complex autoimmune disease. It highlights the significance of Polygenic Risk Scores (PRS) in estimating individual genetic susceptibility to MS, underscoring the importance of integrating genetic and epigenetic data to identify key cellular mediators like monocytes, B cells, and microglia. Through a detailed exploration of GWAS summary statistics, the post illustrates how effect size estimation informs the genetic architecture of MS, and stresses the necessity of diversifying GWAS cohorts to enhance PRS accuracy across populations. Furthermore, it discusses the utility of multi-ancestry and multi-trait GWAS analyses in bolstering the replicability and power of genetic findings. By examining the functional consequences of GWAS-identified variants, particularly through bioinformatics tools, the post connects genetic discoveries to biological insights, revealing the crucial genes and pathways implicated in MS pathology. This comprehensive overview showcases the advancements in GWAS methodologies, offering a beacon of hope for unraveling the genetic complexities of MS and guiding future research towards targeted interventions​​​​​​​​.

Understanding the Mutational Constraint Spectrum: A Deep Dive into Human Genetic Variation

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In a comprehensive study published in Nature, researchers led by Konrad J. Karczewski explored how genetic variants that inactivate protein-coding genes, known as predicted loss-of-function (pLoF) variants, impact human biology. By analyzing data from over 141,000 human genomes, they developed a new metric, the Loss-of-Function Observed/Expected Upper Bound Fraction (LOEUF), which measures how intolerant genes are to these disruptive variants. This study provides a more nuanced understanding of gene function and its relationship to disease, revealing that genes highly intolerant to pLoF variants are often essential for survival and more likely to be involved in severe developmental disorders. The research offers valuable insights for future genetic studies and therapeutic development.

Advancing Genomic Diagnostics: A Approach to Targeting De Novo Loss-of-Function Variants

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This blog post explores a approach introduced by a recent study that enhances genomic diagnostics by focusing on de novo loss-of-function variants in highly constrained genes. Using the DeNovoLOEUF method, the study significantly improves diagnostic rates in rare disease patients by identifying variants that traditional gene panel analyses might miss. With a remarkable 98% positive predictive value, this method promises to elevate the accuracy and efficiency of genomic diagnostics, particularly in large-scale projects like the 100,000 Genomes Project. The post discusses the broader implications, challenges, and future applications of this innovative strategy in the evolving field of genomic medicine.

Decoding Multiple Sclerosis Susceptibility: Insights from a Landmark GWAS Study

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A research has brought us closer to understanding the complex genetic landscape of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). In a landmark study, researchers have identified over 200 genetic variants linked to MS, revealing the pivotal roles of both peripheral immune cells and brain-resident microglia in driving the disease. This comprehensive genetic map not only expands our knowledge of MS susceptibility but also paves the way for more targeted and effective therapeutic strategies. With these findings, we are one step closer to decoding the intricate mechanisms underlying this debilitating condition.

Decoding the Genetic Landscape of Multiple Sclerosis: Insights from Low-Frequency and Rare Variants

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In a study, researchers from the International Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Consortium uncovered the significant role that low-frequency and rare genetic variants play in contributing to multiple sclerosis (MS) risk. Analyzing data from over 68,000 individuals, they found that these less common variants, which are often missed in traditional genome-wide association studies (GWAS), account for up to 5% of MS heritability. The study identified several key genes, including PRF1, HDAC7, and TYK2, which are involved in immune system regulation and highlight the importance of immune dysfunction in MS pathogenesis. These findings not only deepen our understanding of the genetic basis of MS but also open new avenues for research and potential therapeutic targets.

Broadening the Genetic Horizon: A Global Perspective on Multiple Sclerosis

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This blog post explores the importance of expanding genetic research on Multiple Sclerosis (MS) to include diverse populations beyond those of European ancestry. While significant progress has been made in understanding the genetic basis of MS in European populations, non-European groups remain underrepresented, leading to gaps in knowledge that could hinder effective diagnosis and treatment for these individuals. The post highlights the ethical and scientific imperatives for inclusivity in genetic studies, emphasizing how a broader approach could uncover new genetic risk factors, improve disease prediction, and ensure equitable healthcare outcomes for all patients.

Unraveling the Genetic Origins of Multiple Sclerosis: Insights from Ancient Steppe Pastoralists

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This study traces the genetic origins of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) back to ancient steppe pastoralists from the Bronze Age, revealing how the migration of these populations into Europe around 5,000 years ago introduced MS-associated genetic variants, particularly in the HLA region. These variants, including the high-risk HLA-DRB1*15:01 allele, underwent positive selection due to environmental and pathogenic pressures linked to lifestyle changes such as the shift to farming and increased population density. This research highlights how ancient human migrations and environmental adaptations have contributed to the modern prevalence of MS, particularly in Northern Europe.

A New Genetic Insight into Multiple Sclerosis Progression: The Role of CNS Resilience

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A recent study published in Nature has identified key genetic factors that influence the severity of multiple sclerosis (MS), shifting the focus from immune-driven susceptibility to CNS resilience. Researchers discovered that a variant in the DYSF–ZNF638 locus is associated with faster progression to disability and more severe brain lesions in MS patients. Unlike previous findings, which linked MS to immune-related genes, this study highlights the crucial role of CNS resilience in disease progression. Additionally, it suggests that higher educational attainment may protect against severe MS, while smoking exacerbates it, offering new insights into potential therapeutic strategies aimed at enhancing CNS resilience and neuroprotection in MS.

The Complex Interplay Between Epstein-Barr Virus, Immunity, and Multiple Sclerosis Risk

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The recent study by Vietzen et al. (2023) highlights how ineffective immune responses to Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) can significantly increase the risk of developing multiple sclerosis (MS). The research found that in individuals who develop MS, certain immune cells, particularly natural killer (NK) cells and cytotoxic T cells, are less effective at controlling autoreactive cells that target the central nervous system protein GlialCAM. This impaired immune control is linked to specific genetic variations in both the host and the EBV, as well as the expression of HLA-E, a molecule that can inhibit NK cell activity, particularly when upregulated by certain EBV variants. Additionally, co-infection with other viruses like human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) further influences immune responses. These findings suggest that MS risk is driven by a complex interplay between viral infections, immune system function, genetic predisposition, and HLA-E expression, offering new insights into potential therapeutic approaches for preventing or managing MS.

How Genetic Variants Disrupt Oligodendrocyte Function and Myelin Production

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This blog post explores groundbreaking research that uncovers how specific genetic risk factors for multiple sclerosis (MS) disrupt the function of oligodendrocytes, the cells responsible for producing myelin in the central nervous system. The study, published in Cell, identifies that certain MS-associated genetic variants interfere with transcriptional processes critical for oligodendrocyte maturation, particularly affecting the release of RNA polymerase II, which hinders myelin production. This research highlights a novel mechanism in MS pathology beyond immune dysfunction and opens new possibilities for therapeutic approaches aimed at restoring myelin regeneration by targeting oligodendrocyte-specific processes.

The Rising Global Burden of Multiple Sclerosis: Insights from the Atlas of MS

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The prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) has significantly increased worldwide, with 2.8 million people affected by the disease in 2020, according to the latest findings from the Atlas of MS. This blog post explores the rising global burden of MS, the regional disparities in prevalence, and the growing recognition of pediatric-onset MS. It also highlights the gender gap, with females being twice as likely to develop MS, and discusses the need for better data collection, particularly in lower-income regions, to improve global MS healthcare and research efforts.

Stepwise ABC System for Classification of Genetic Variants: Enhancing Clinical and Functional Insights

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The Stepwise ABC System for genetic variant classification offers a refined and flexible approach that builds upon the widely used ACMG framework. By separating the functional and clinical evaluation of genetic variants, it allows for a more nuanced understanding of their biological impact and clinical relevance. This system is particularly useful for classifying complex variants, such as those involved in recessive diseases, regulatory changes, and copy number variations, which the traditional ACMG system may struggle to categorize. The ABC System’s ability to classify variants in a stepwise manner—from functional effects to genotype-phenotype matching—helps clinicians make more informed decisions about patient care, ultimately enhancing the precision of genetic diagnosis and personalized treatment plans.

Exploring the Genetic Overlap Between Multiple Sclerosis and Autoinflammatory Diseases

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This blog post explores the genetic overlap between multiple sclerosis (MS) and autoinflammatory diseases, shedding light on shared genetic variants such as NOD2, PTPN22, and IL2RA. These genes influence immune regulation across both innate and adaptive responses, revealing common molecular pathways that may contribute to the pathogenesis of both conditions. Understanding these overlaps provides new avenues for therapeutic strategies that target shared immune dysfunctions, potentially benefiting patients with a range of autoimmune and autoinflammatory disorders.

Enhancing Prediction of Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis with Genetic Risk Scores at the First Presentation of Optic Neuritis

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This blog post explores a study that applies genetic risk scores (GRS) to predict the likelihood of multiple sclerosis (MS) in patients presenting with optic neuritis (ON), a common precursor to MS. By combining an MS-specific GRS with demographic factors such as age and sex, the study enhances the accuracy of early MS diagnosis, enabling better treatment decisions. The model was validated in large independent cohorts, demonstrating its potential to guide personalized care, with higher genetic risk scores indicating a significantly increased likelihood of MS progression. This innovative approach paves the way for more targeted interventions and improved patient outcomes.

Exploring the Complex Landscape of Multiple Sclerosis Risk Factors: Genetic, Lifestyle, and Environmental Interactions

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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a complex immune-mediated disease influenced by a combination of genetic, lifestyle, and environmental factors. While certain genetic variants, particularly in the HLA genes, increase the risk of MS, factors like Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection, smoking, adolescent obesity, and low vitamin D levels play a crucial role in triggering and exacerbating the disease. These risk factors often interact with genetic predispositions, amplifying their effects. For example, smoking significantly heightens MS risk in individuals carrying specific genetic variants. Understanding these interactions offers new opportunities for prevention, such as promoting healthy lifestyles and vitamin D supplementation, especially for those with a family history of MS.

A Detailed Look into Human Disease Genetics: A Scientific Overview

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Over the past few decades, advances in human disease genetics have transformed our understanding of both rare and common diseases. Initially, gene mapping efforts focused on rare monogenic diseases, identifying specific mutations responsible for conditions like Huntington's disease. However, as technology evolved, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) emerged, allowing scientists to uncover common genetic variants linked to complex diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. The integration of large-scale biobanks and cutting-edge genomic tools has accelerated discoveries, leading to more personalized approaches to medicine. Today, polygenic risk scores and population-level studies are paving the way for precision healthcare, where treatments and preventive strategies are tailored to an individual’s unique genetic makeup.

Familial Multiple Sclerosis: A Global Perspective on Prevalence and Contributing Factors

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This blog post delves into a recent research on familial multiple sclerosis (FMS), exploring the global prevalence and factors influencing this genetic form of MS. The study reveals that FMS is more common in pediatric-onset MS, with a higher prevalence in some geographical regions, and highlights the lack of significant sex differences in FMS occurrence. It also suggests that genetic factors play a crucial role in early-onset cases, while environmental influences like latitude and MS prevalence impact FMS rates across populations. These findings offer valuable insights into the genetic and environmental interplay in MS development and highlight areas for future research.

Exploring the Association Between PD-1 Gene Polymorphisms and Susceptibility to Multiple Sclerosis

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This study explores the association between polymorphisms in the Programmed Cell Death Protein 1 (PD-1) gene and susceptibility to Multiple Sclerosis (MS), a chronic autoimmune disease. PD-1 is a key regulator of immune responses, and genetic variations in its encoding gene (PDCD1) may influence the development of autoimmune conditions. The researchers examined three PD-1 gene polymorphisms (PD-1.1, PD-1.3, and PD-1.5) in MS patients and healthy controls. They found that the PD-1.3 AA genotype was significantly more common in healthy individuals, suggesting a protective role against MS, while the other two polymorphisms showed no significant associations with MS risk. The findings indicate that PD-1 genetic variations may modulate immune tolerance in MS, but further research is needed to confirm these results and understand the underlying mechanisms.

Common Genetic Etiology Between Single-Gene Disorders and Familial Multiple Sclerosis

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This study explores the genetic connection between multiple sclerosis (MS) and certain single-gene disorders that exhibit MS-like symptoms. Researchers sequenced 28 candidate genes known to cause disorders such as cerebroteninous xanthomatosis and Chediak-Higashi syndrome in a group of MS patients. They identified nine rare genetic variants in six genes that segregated with MS within families. Notably, variations in the CYP27A1 gene, which plays a role in cholesterol metabolism, were found in multiple MS patients, suggesting a potential link between cholesterol dysregulation and MS progression. The findings highlight the possibility that some cases of familial MS may share genetic roots with these single-gene disorders, offering new insights into MS's complex genetic landscape.

The Impact of the CD226 Gly307Ser Genetic Variant on Human CD8 T Cells in Multiple Sclerosis

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The recent study by Morandi et al. (2024) explores the impact of the CD226 Gly307Ser genetic variant, which is associated with increased risk of multiple sclerosis (MS), on the function of CD8 T cells. By comparing CD8 T cells from individuals carrying either the protective or risk variant, the researchers found that the risk allele amplifies immune signaling pathways, particularly those related to IFNγ production, a key proinflammatory cytokine. This enhanced signaling promotes a more aggressive inflammatory response in CD8 T cells, which could exacerbate neuroinflammation in MS. These findings highlight the critical role of CD8 T cells in MS pathogenesis and suggest that targeting IFNγ pathways may offer new therapeutic strategies.

Pharmacogenomics of Clinical Response to Natalizumab in Multiple Sclerosis: Key Findings from a Genome-Wide Study

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This blog post delves into a recent genome-wide study on the pharmacogenomics of Natalizumab response in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. Conducted across Italy, Germany, and Sweden, the study explored genetic factors influencing why some patients respond well to Natalizumab, while others do not. Key findings include the identification of genetic variants, such as rs11132400T, which impact genes involved in blood-brain barrier integrity and immune response. Additionally, pathway and network analyses highlighted the role of the WNT signaling pathway, crucial for brain health, in treatment efficacy. While further research is needed, this study moves us closer to treatment strategies for MS, aiming to optimize therapies based on each patient's genetic profile.

A Decade of Advancements in Type I Interferonopathies: Insights and Future Directions

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Type I interferonopathies are a group of rare genetic disorders characterized by the immune system's inability to distinguish between self and non-self nucleic acids, leading to chronic activation of type I interferon signaling. Over the past decade, advancements in genetic research have expanded our understanding of these disorders, identifying nearly 40 distinct genotypes that contribute to conditions like Aicardi–Goutières syndrome and systemic lupus erythematosus. These discoveries have provided key insights into innate immunity and the role of interferons in health and disease. Diagnostic techniques have improved, and emerging therapies, such as JAK inhibitors and reverse transcriptase inhibitors, are showing promise in managing these conditions. The study of interferonopathies continues to offer broader implications for understanding more common autoimmune diseases and developing targeted treatments for affected individuals.

Polygenic Risk Score (PRS) and Its Influence on the Lifetime Risk of Multiple Sclerosis: A Population-Based Study

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In a recent study published in Neurology (2024), researchers explored the impact of genetic factors on the lifetime risk of developing multiple sclerosis (MS) by analyzing polygenic risk scores (PRS) in a population-based cohort. The study revealed that individuals with a higher genetic risk, as measured by PRS, had a significantly increased likelihood of developing MS, particularly in women. For instance, women in the top 10% of the genetic risk group had a 1 in 92 chance of developing MS, compared to just 1 in 2,739 in the lowest 30%. The findings emphasize the potential of PRS to aid in diagnosing MS and differentiating it from other conditions with similar symptoms. However, while PRS was strongly linked to MS risk, it did not predict disease severity or progression, highlighting the need for further research to refine genetic risk models for better clinical application.

Exploring the Genetic Underpinnings of Multiple Sclerosis and Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorders

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This blog post explores the genetic and environmental factors contributing to the development of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorders (NMOSD). Both are autoimmune diseases that damage the central nervous system, though they differ in clinical manifestations and genetic profiles. The post highlights key genetic risk factors, including the HLA-DRB1*15:01 allele in MS and aquaporin-4 antibodies (AQP4-IgG) in NMOSD, while also discussing the influence of environmental elements like vitamin D levels and viral infections. Advances in genetic research and personalized medicine are paving the way for more targeted and effective treatments.

The Immunology of Multiple Sclerosis: A Complex Interplay of Genetics, Environment, and Immune Responses

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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a complex neurological disease influenced by a combination of genetic predisposition, environmental factors, and immune system dysfunction. This blog post explores recent findings on how the immune system contributes to MS, focusing on the roles of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, B cells, and other immune cells like natural killer (NK) cells. The post also highlights advancements in understanding MS pathology within the central nervous system (CNS) and the potential for new, targeted therapies that could offer more effective treatment while minimizing side effects.

Genetic and Epigenetic Basis of Multiple Sclerosis: A Comprehensive Analysis

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This blog post explores a study that integrates genetic and epigenetic data to uncover the key cell types and genes driving Multiple Sclerosis (MS) risk. By combining genome-wide association studies (GWAS) with chromatin accessibility and histone modification profiles, the researchers identified B cells, monocytes, and microglia as critical players in MS. They discovered that MS-related genetic variants are enriched in active enhancers, especially in immune cells, and developed cell-specific polygenic risk scores (CPRS) to predict disease risk and brain tissue loss. These findings provide new insights into MS biology and offer potential pathways for targeted therapies and personalized medicine approaches.

Exploring the Contribution of Common Genetic Risk Variants to Multiple Sclerosis in Orkney and Shetland: A Study of Unique Populations

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This study explores the genetic underpinnings of multiple sclerosis (MS) in the isolated populations of Orkney and Shetland, two regions with the highest global prevalence of the disease. By analyzing polygenic risk scores (PRS) based on 127 MS-associated variants, the researchers aimed to uncover whether common genetic risk factors, particularly the HLA-DRB115:01 variant, could explain the elevated rates of MS in these islands. While the study found that this variant was more frequent in Orkney and Shetland compared to mainland Scotland, it accounts for only a small portion of the excess MS cases. The research highlights the complexity of MS, suggesting that rare genetic variants and environmental factors likely contribute to the unexplained burden of the disease in these populations.

Familial Risk of Early- and Late-Onset Multiple Sclerosis: Insights from a Swedish Nationwide Study

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The study by Boles et al. (2023) explores the familial risk and heritability of multiple sclerosis (MS) in Nordic populations, focusing on the two primary MS phenotypes: Primary Progressive MS (PPMS) and Relapsing Onset MS (ROMS). Using data from over 25,000 MS patients and more than 250,000 controls, the study found that having a first-degree relative with MS significantly increases the risk of developing the disease, with similar familial risk across both phenotypes. Heritability estimates suggest that genetic factors account for 51% of the overall risk of MS, with ROMS showing a higher genetic contribution (55%) compared to PPMS (23%). The results indicate a shared genetic basis for both MS phenotypes, though the lower heritability in PPMS points to potential environmental or non-additive genetic factors playing a larger role in its development. This study underscores the importance of understanding genetic influences on MS to improve risk prediction and treatment strategies​.

IL-35 Genetic Variations and Serum Levels in Multiple Sclerosis

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This study explores the relationship between IL-35, an anti-inflammatory cytokine, and multiple sclerosis (MS). Researchers measured serum IL-35 levels and investigated genetic variations in two key IL-35 subunits—EBI3 (rs4740) and IL-12A (rs568408)—in 186 MS patients and 195 healthy controls. Results showed significantly lower IL-35 levels in MS patients, particularly those with secondary progressive MS (SPMS), with levels inversely correlated to disease severity. The study also found that the EBI3 rs4740 polymorphism was associated with a 2.23-fold increased risk of MS, suggesting that genetic variations in IL-35 may play a role in disease susceptibility and progression. These findings highlight IL-35’s potential as a biomarker and therapeutic target in MS.

Shared Genetic Mechanisms in Autoimmune Diseases through Large-Scale Genetic Mapping

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This blog post explores a study that uncovers shared genetic mechanisms across multiple autoimmune diseases, including multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and celiac disease. By analyzing over 129,000 cases and controls, the researchers identified that about 40% of the overlapping genetic associations between these diseases are driven by the same alleles. Using advanced fine-mapping techniques, they were able to improve the resolution of these genetic associations, pinpointing key regulatory regions in immune cells that influence gene expression and disease risk. The study also highlights pleiotropic effects, where some genetic variants have opposing effects on different diseases, providing new insights into the complex genetic landscape of autoimmune conditions and offering potential avenues for therapeutic development.

Dysregulated Antiviral Mechanisms in Multiple Sclerosis Through CSF Expression Profiling

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This blog post explores a study that uses single-cell RNA sequencing to analyze cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) cells from multiple sclerosis (MS) patients, uncovering key dysregulated antiviral mechanisms. The study identifies a rare population of CD8+ T cells with exhausted-like characteristics and highlights the role of genetic variants in antiviral genes, ZC3HAV1 and IFITM2, which are linked to MS susceptibility. Through multi-omics factor analysis (MOFA), it reveals altered inflammatory and antiviral responses, emphasizing the complex interplay between viral infections and immune dysregulation in MS pathogenesis.

The Neuropathobiology of Multiple Sclerosis: A Pathway to Understanding Chronic Disability Progression

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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a complex disease marked by inflammation and neurodegeneration in the brain and spinal cord. While current therapies can reduce relapses, they struggle to halt long-term disability progression, largely driven by "smoldering disease activity" that involves low-grade inflammation and neuron-intrinsic damage. This progression occurs early, often independently of visible relapses, and is fueled by mitochondrial dysfunction, excitotoxicity, and oxidative stress. As neurons lose their ability to manage these stressors, they enter a cycle of degeneration, amplified by internal pathways that further drive damage. Understanding and targeting these neuron-specific vulnerabilities are key to developing treatments that could slow or prevent the worsening of MS over time.